Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mr Halsey cover work - Y10 Media Thursday 17 November

Apologies - I'm out on a Year 13 trip to a BFI screening and workshop so won't be in Thursday's double lesson.

The work is exactly as we discussed on Tuesday. Work through the following in order:

1) Complete your Assignment 1 planning documents and put them in your coursework folder. This means a planning sheet and two sketches (one of which is in colour). Coursework folders should be at the front of DF07.

2) Log on to your normal PC and start designing your magazine cover using Adobe Photoshop. Create a new A4 portrait page and add the title, slogan, main flash and cover lines in preparation for the photoshoot next week.

Unfortunately, we are short of Media staff on Thursday to help with technical questions but there are plenty of tutorials to help with your Photoshop work. We have plenty on the Media Shared drive: M:\How To Guides\Adobe Tutorials and you can also use YouTube tutorials too. 

This should give you plenty to get on with - good luck and keep up the good work!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Helpful Links for Learner Response

Hello Year 9- It's time to get going!

Image result for writing   Image result for writing

Here are all the links to the previous blog tasks. Every single one of these needs to be on your blog and complete:

Tasks that need to be on your blog
•             First Blog task – answering the questions about your choice of GCSE Media and an analysis of the clip from BBC Drama series Sherlock

•             Film Poster analysis using LIAR (Language, Institution, Audience and Representation)

•             Fruit Bowl task using Photoshop – one of your own design and one sampling a theme

•             Camerawork: Photos to show understanding of camera angles with storyboard (using the photos you took during the lesson)

•             Minority Report – Shot by Shot analysis

•             Cuts and Transitions work – posted on blog on Thursday October 6th. Film clip and notes on transitions (use your books)

•             Watch the editing video

•             Audience Profiles – Demographics and Psychographics
You had to find adverts aimed at teenage boys, men in thirties, mothers, old people, families and post them up

•             Audiences Task- Create an audience profile for a magazine using Photoshop and upload

•             Representation of Young People- watch the video of the rioters being interviewed and find a positive and a negative representation of teenagers and upload.

•             Half term homework –Answer the 12 questions about the magazine you are planning and then add paragraphs planning costume and props for photo shoot.

•             Analysing a Magazine cover

Miss Fowler's Class Blog Feedback and Learner Response

Blog Feedback- This week's lessons - Time to Reflect

Image result for reflect

Hello Year 9!

You will each have received an email from me on your SCHOOL EMAIL with the title 'Blog Feedback'. Please read this carefully as it gives you information about what is missing or needs improving on your blog so far.

Whilst most of you have made an excellent and committed start to the course and shown real potential in Photoshop and practical tasks, some of you are missing a lot of work on your blog and I am not impressed! This is a GCSE where coursework is worth 60% of your final grade so commitment to finishing all work to the best of your ability here and at home is essential.

1) Please read the feedback and then post my feedback on a new blog post on your blog. Call it 'Blog Feedback and Learner Response.'

2) Read the EBIs carefully so that you know what you have to improve upon.

3) Post the Learner Response and then DO the learner response. This might involve looking back on your own work in your drafts, finishing it and then publishing it or (if you missed a lesson) it might involve finding the work on Macguffin so that you can catch up.

There is a lot of work for some of you to do but it is necessary for us all to be in the same place before we continue with Assignment 1.

Those of you who ARE up to date, well done! You can make any changes that I have asked for and then you can continue with the Magazine Analysis task and doing your sketches and planning documents for Assignment 1. Make sure that everything goes into your blue folders.

Thank you

Miss Fowler

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Assignment 1: Magazine cover key conventions

This week's lessons are all about learning the 12 key conventions of magazine covers and starting to develop our written analysis.

The detailed notes on the key conventions of magazine covers can be found here.

Your blog task is as follows:

1) Use Google images to find a magazine cover of your choice. Make sure it is a UK-based magazine.

2) Copy the image into PowerPoint.

3) Find as many of the 12 key conventions of magazine covers as you can on the front cover and annotate the key conventions on PowerPoint using arrows.

4) Choose three of the key conventions and write 50-100 words of analysis for each. The key here is to explain how the key conventions target the magazine’s audience. Example:

5) When finished, save your PowerPoint slide as a JPEG and upload to your blog with a brief explanation of the task.

Good luck!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Assignment 1 - Analysing a Magazine Cover

Individually complete the following activity:
1.Log on to a computer
2.Use Google images to find a magazine cover
3.Copy it into PowerPoint
4.Find as many of the 12 key conventions of magazine covers as you can on your front cover and label them
5.Choose three of the key conventions and write 50-100 words of analysis for each. Explain how the key conventions target the magazine’s audience.

6.When finished, save as a JPEG and upload to your blog with an explanation of how you did it.

An example is given below.
Do not forget to use the language from the Key Conventions sheet.