Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Assignment 2: Analytical Task

To complete Assignment 2, you need to write a 1,200 word essay analysing the film poster and trailer for the film you chose to study throughout this unit.

The original case study research task you completed back in January is here.

This Assignment 2 essay guidance might help you structure your essay but you don't need to stick to it exactly - original and effective responses will be awarded top marks. 

One of the most important aspects of good academic essay writing is topic sentences. Make sure that you start each section with a simple topic sentence that clearly introduces what the following paragraph will address. For example:
The Taken trailer clearly and effectively establishes the narrative of the film to the audience. Applying Todorov's theory of narrative structure, the equilibrium is established in the opening 20 seconds... 
In an academic essay, good topic sentences are used instead of subheadings for each section. The only exception to this is the final section analysing your own production work. You need to keep this section separate from the main essay.

Work completed so far

The work we have done over the last month evaluating our production work, analysing representation and applying narrative theories can all be used in this essay. In fact, you may well find you've written around half the essay already.

Copy the work over from your blog posts into Microsoft Word - making sure that you are using topic sentences as outlined above.

Essay deadlines

You will have lesson time to work on this and the essay must be written in school under teacher supervision.

Your teacher will give you individual targets for each lesson you work on this to ensure you reach the 1,200 words required.

Year 9 Narrative Theory work - blog post

Our work on narrative theory gives us an excellent opportunity to show understanding and application of media theorists in the Assignment 2 analytical task. This is the next part of your essay :)

1. Start a new blog post and call it 'Narrative Theory' (or do it in Microsoft Word, save it to your Media shared drive and upload once finished)

2. Re-watch the trailer for your film (Moana, Hunger Games, Precious) with your book in your hand. Make notes on Todorov, Propp and Barthes and how they apply to YOUR case study film. Examples below. You need to say a little bit about what the theory is and then apply it eg

Todorov stated that all narratives start off with an Equilibrium and then a disruption (Disequilibrium) where everything changes and then ends with a New Equilibrium where calm is restored. 
In my case study Hunger Games, I can apply this theory because, at the start there is an Equilibrium when Katniss lives in a society where the young people from various districts are sent off to fight in the annual Hunger Games. The Disequilibrium occurs when her sister is chosen and she volunteers to go in her place. This means she has to learn fighting skills and become skilled enough to survive. The New Equilibrium will come when she is successful in her mission. 

Do the same for Propp and Barthes. Come and see me if you are struggling to apply the theories but have a go first!

3. Make sure all your work on Representation is up to date and posted on your blog.

Extension - Go back to your own film poster and trailer (storyboard) for Assignment 2 and add theory to analysis of your own work.

The key notes from today's lesson:

Narrative definition: (Noun) A spoken or written account of connected events; a story

Todorov: equilibrium
Tzvetan Todorov is a Franco-Bulgarian philosopher. He suggests that all narratives follow a three part structure.

They begin with equilibrium, where everything is balanced, progress as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution, when a new equilibrium is restored.

Equilibrium > Disequilibrium > New equilibrium

This can be applied to almost all film narratives.

Propp: character types
Vladimir Propp was a Soviet scholar who analyzed the basic plot components of Russian folk tales to identify their narrative elements.

His theory states that there are only a certain number of characters, who crop up in most narratives.

Protagonist (or Hero) 
Leads the narrative, is usually looking for something (a quest) or trying to solve something (a mystery).

Antagonist (or Villain) 
Gets in the protagonist's way; rival or enemy.

Usually some sort of ‘prize’ or reward for the hero. (Note: if your hero is female, your heroine can be male)

An authority figure who offers a reward to the hero for completing their quest. That reward might be a prince or a princess or a new job or promotion.

Helps the hero - often acts as a sidekick

Gives the hero something - a clue, a talisman, a special power - which helps them complete their quest

Teaches and guides the hero

Barthes: enigma and action codes
Roland Barthes was a French literary theorist.

Barthes' Enigma Code is a theory that suggests a text (whether that be television, film, a poster etc) portrays a mystery to draw an audience in, pose questions and, as such, become intrigued in the piece. 

For instance, a murder mystery will often not reveal the identity of the murderer until the end of the story, which poses the question "Who is the murderer?"

Barthes' Action Code relates to tension: any action or event that suggests something else may happen – and therefore keep the audience engaged. A good example would be a gun being drawn - the audience know a dramatic scene will follow.

Action codes work alongside enigma codes to engage and maintain the interest of the audience.

In a film trailer, they are used to intrigue the audience and make them want to pay to see the whole film. This is a crucial aspect of film marketing.

Ms Hill cover work: Tuesday 2 May

Ms Hill is still not well - she sends her apologies.

You got some great work done last week and today we need to continue our preparation for the Assignment 2 Analytical Task. Last week, you were worked on media theories and representation.

The first thing you need to do is finish those paragraphs: THREE for media theory and TWO for representation (on two different aspects e.g. gender and race/ethnicity). 

The narrative theory notes are here if you need to refer to them and the narrative theory blog task is here.

The representation notes and example are here. Here are some representation questions to help you.

It seems that some of you haven't written an evaluation of your Assignment 2 production work (film poster and storyboard trailer). The evaluation task is here so make sure this is completed too.

If you have any questions, let Mr Halsey, Ms Quinn or Ms Fowler know.

Good luck!